Specialised Equipment Essential for Discharge (SEED)
The Specialised Equipment Essential for Discharge (SEED) commenced on 1 July 2008 to provide timely access to the essential equipment required to facilitate discharge to a community setting. SEED was formerly known as the Specialised Equipment Setup Program (SESUP).
SEED is available to eligible people receiving specialist inpatient rehabilitation for a catastrophic spinal cord, or acquired brain injury or illness in a NSW Public Hospital.
SEED is an enhancement of the Spinal Set-up Fund and has been developed in response to a recommendation made in the Review of the Program of Appliances for Disabled People (PADP), released in November 2007.
SEED will operate under the auspice of the PADP, administered by EnableNSW and will be available to eligible clients during the period of inpatient rehabilitation, until 6 months following discharge, for equipment required to facilitate discharge.
SEED will provide equipment such as wheelchairs, adjustable beds, hoists and shower and toileting aids. People currently receiving inpatient rehabilitation for a spinal cord injury or acquired brain injury interested in seeking further information about SEED should discuss their query with a member of their rehabilitation team.